The Voice of Power

The Book of Enlightenment - A guide to a better life

How it started

"In 1934, over a period of just four or five months, an amazing series of "incidents" occurred. All coincidences - or part of a vast plan?

The Great Depression had started. Thousands of people were out of work and without hope for the future. My family moved from England to Canada to live with my grandfather in Toronto. But almost immediately he was sent by his company to Winnipeg and we couldn't afford to stay on in his house.

Then my grandmother met a missionary she had known as a young man. A few weeks later he fell ill and my mother went to nurse him. The missionary died shortly afterwards but next to his flat a bungalow was to let at a reasonable rent, and we took it. I met the neighbours' daughter, Lottie Pearson, who amazingly, worked in the same Toronto office block as myself. I was employed by the Shell Oil Company - she was with the Imperial Optical Company. We discovered a mutual interest in spiritualism. I was then 19 years old, and eager to discover more about spiritual life after death.

We attended clairvoyance meetings but progressed little. Then Lottie's father disclosed that he was a medium - but not practising, or connected to any church or circle. He suggested that his wife and daughter, myself and a friend should set up a group for investigation and offered himself as medium.

On the third of our meetings a spiritual visitor told us that a spiritual group wished us to meet every Sunday. Mr. Pearson was to be the medium, Lottie Pearson and I were to be the "scribes" and Mrs. Pearson and the friend were to be supports for the medium. The visitor spoke to us as THE VOICE OF POWER and told us to record the messages we would be given from GOD, the Supreme Power above all.

We were overawed but very excited - and we knew instinctively that we must do exactly as we were bidden. After two years we were instructed to "return to the land of our birth" - England. The messages continued there for a further three years. Then they stopped as preparations for World War II were advancing rapidly and the medium was directed to Wales to start a new company there. He died shortly after the war ended.

My career flourished although sadly Lottie, my wife of 25 years, died. I remarried Sylvia and had two children and family life commanded my time. After 25 years sadly Sylvia also passed away. Although I thought of the writings every day they were kept safe and unknown to anyone except my family. Then five years ago, a persistent "voice" said "Prepare the writings for publication". Jan typed the transcripts for me and with the help and support of my family and friends. I was able to publish the book you hold today. So here they are - unchanged by one word. I hope you will find in them the same wonderful guidance and answers to your questions as I have over the years."

Bill de Bloeme

The group to whom the messages were relayed were:

  • Henry Pearson (a natural but non-practising medium) a senior manager with GEC.
  • Margaret Pearson his wife.
  • Margaret MacCallum a family friend who was with the group for the meetings in Canada only.
  • Lottie Pearson scribe.
  • Bill de Bloeme scribe, retired managing director of a major aerospace company now 90 years old, and the only remaining group member in the material world.