Individuality and Personality

The Book of Enlightenment - A guide to a better life

Saturday 1st January 1938

Material kind, many strange things have I spoken and shall speak to those who fail to understand. Individuality ye possess of none (in defence) we will endeavour to analyse the material there to realise as is generally known but little thought is given to the realisation that man or material life is not and never has been from the beginning to the end an individual. Thou art but a mass of germal life changing every moment but not one but many such germal spheres are required to create what ye desire to think of as one individual. A mass as has been spoken many times a governed mass of germal impressions. What ye were when the Sun did shine ye are no longer what ye are at this moment. Within the sphere of material existence many within that have died and many within that have been born ever changing in accordance with the growth as desired by God. Personality there is as ever the personality of your kindred soul a guiding spiritual influence and in accordance with the acceptance or rejection formed to the material vision thy personality. Now let us consider the advisability of recognising fully the development of our personality is thus built on your receptive abilities. For as has been spoken in the past the material is the providing soil for the Soul. Save my soul.

To briefly outline the words of Leverious it was brought to our realisation under the heading of Individuality and Personality. Individuality we possess none for we are but a mass of changing germal development. Each germ would thus claim within the sphere of its own existence an individual. As in the commencement of material sojourn is the amalgamation a multiplication of more than one germal source multiplying in accordance with the nourishment and the strength of the soil wherein as ye realise in the commencement of that which you would term individual. There can be no such thing as individuality when there is more than one in the whole construction. Personality we were given to understand is derived from the source of our acceptance. Soil will be quite readily understood the true meaning of reincarnation, also we must realise the necessity to look upon our personality rather than our individuality. Forget our body and cleanse our soil thus in the evolution of progression our reincarnation our governing influence who have passed through various spheres of learning will be better fitted to govern and control in accordance with the desire of God than we have in the past. Each sphere is a sphere of spiritual development. Wisdom to understand that which in the past we failed to understand in preparation and development of everlasting life.

Life in a spiritual sense never fails to exist a power to realise the acceptance of God or the lower sphere or lower influences of progression. By the acceptance of the opposing breezes thou dost bring the pain the pain of realisation the pain to an agonised soul not the pain of body but the pain of soul. The Strength of God can immunise ye from pain to comply protects thee from evil, so let not thy steps stray for thy spiritual self must be brought to realise the influence. If in thy weakness to err do not think or console thy body with the comforting thought that thou hast paid for the error in pain. The moments of material life are but few a precious moment has thrown aside whilst thou did err in a moment that can never be regained, wasted in defiance of the guiding influences at thy disposal. Thus spiritually we live as ever endeavouring to reach a desired harbour of protection. The words err we meet again will bring to your material acceptance many versions as to the object and cause and to what purpose the evolution of the Soul of so much consequence and yet many will remain under the influence of Spheres that recognise only solidity and the objective of progression that may be as remains unspoken but we must realise the necessity of perfection of even the source of solidity of spirituality the necessity to accept that governs either state of existence in preparation for that existence of perfection is the desire of Casula, Spiritual advisor to the medium. The longer you remain in the darkness of misunderstanding, the longer you will retard your own progression. The words of enlightenment and truth. I Leverious in the hope that the words will bring enlightenment and faith in the Great Powers of controlling forces, the forces that govern pain that bring to ye the life and death in accordance with thy acceptance of the Will of God the Supreme Power, see as in the darkness the flickering light of fear. Fear not those that are faithful.