A Fool Amongst Men

The Book of Enlightenment - A guide to a better life

Sunday 6th March 1938

Remattures considered a fool amongst men 8000 years ago, a fool who spoke to no one and listened to a voice unheard but did not wise men listen also to persistent prayers of so persistent a fool. It was noticable that this fool who spoke strange words oftimes spoke through the wisdom of a child but a child with an unpolluted mind an influence unbiased. A child that no one could understand a child that no wise man did contradict for the fool didst speak to the heavens. It has been recognised many times that simplicity and lunacy are considered a protection, why because it is hereditary from father to son so today we listen to the childish simplicity to something our great minds have failed to understand and so from the past to the present.

There are mediums who bring in verbal form the wisdom that the wise men in all their wisdom cannot understand. Here we recognise the selfish desire that has grown within the spheres of materialism even the mistrust of thy brothers version at the thought that wisdom of any should surpass thine own. Ye whose eyes are blinded whose ears fail to record the prompting of those who are immune from the temptations of greed and selfishness who lives but for enlightenment and progression of those wise men who dwell in darkness who are led like sheep to the slaughter of sin. Let us acknowledge let us speak truly and say Oh Lord I hear you not I fail to understand I in darkness and doubt have faith and trust in many versions of thy Holy Power but Oh Lord with all my wisdom and all my knowledge I am but a child wafted on the breeze drifting with the stream unable to rest unable to cast aside that which I in my childish simplicity can see and hear. Oh Lord grant unto me the privilege of the fool for me thinketh there are many words of wisdom and truth in the babbling prayers and wise thoughts. I lay me down to sleep and rest and there in the darkened hours of the night I but slumber in wakefulness and say unto myself, I am not as wise as those around me would think for I cannot sleep with a simple trust and faith as does the fool. I cannot rest, I cannot trust and why? For no one trusteth me, and I trusteth no man. I liveth for self and self alone and whilst I live I realise I die in a darkened sphere of loneliness, shining with a false light the knowledge I possess not and as I sink into the uncertainty I as a soldier of the lie I must preach what I believeth not. Oh Lord grant unto the wise the wicked the simplicity to gather the faith and trust that protecteth the poor enlightened fool.

The wise men of the past thou hast cast into the dungeon burned with material fires they were the true prophets the messengers of the Higher Powers feared because of their strength their power and the truth of their predictions. So it is today as in the days of yore.

There are those who condemn not those who understandeth not and desire not to understand but in their selfish desire cannot bear to think that the foundation of their strength and faith may be shattered beneath their feet for they believeth not.

Those who tremble those in doubt in the certainty of that which is their desire shelter ye from the storms and the blows, the fire and the Cross. How many of ye who believeth in God and the influence of God can die the death of many saints of the past for that which is thy faith.

Ye who have travelled through the spheres of enlightenment there to recognise that thy soul cannot burn and cannot be injured by the Power of materialism by the thorns and the spears, the soil thy body feeleth not the stings from the tongue, the fire, the spear and the sword, for dost not ye who believeth in Him carry the honours of God's Protective cloak. It is not a miracle it is a momentary fact though to many it may appear as such. The unenlightened mind fails to recognise the guiding influence of God.

Christ the Son of God as ye are all sons and daughters of God Christ as a Saint worthy of the name as are many and so there shall even be many Saints among ye for those who are thus chosen as the material medium to preach the truth of God's Holy Influence to those in darkness and those in doubt. Let us then recognise the splendour of all the work the strength the faith and the trust in all those saintly disciples of the Holy Power.

8000 years ago the same today, then what progress has God made in the evolution of man.

Ye who have written will readily understand there are those weeds who returneth to the soil there are those who ascendeth to the Spheres chosen for their beauty and strength as a balancing force to control and govern with strength and harmony reinforced by enlightenment and progression.

Flowers of beauty banded together who have cast aside the wilfulness and stubborness of material greed and the desire to follow a leader that ye like sheep have learned to follow. The day fast approaches that ye who have learned to doubt shall humbly recognise the Power and Strength of the flowers of the past whose strength has gathered round them those who have awakened to the Power of God. As a body strengthened with the Power and determination as the Disciples of Power and shall be the beginning of everlasting love and life.

I from the Council of Power return from whence I came.