Spheres of Sin

The Book of Enlightenment - A guide to a better life

Saturday 17th September 1938

The subject that I wish to bring forward for your enlightenment will be as mentioned the Spheres of Sin. As flowers of progression and under the guardian influences of the Forces of God, one is apt to wonder, why we are allowed the privilege of sin. Many among you both material and spiritual have formed various opinions in accordance with their acceptance of sin. A simple definition covering a very large field you will be surprised to learn that which is sin in they brother, the friend of thy brother would under the same circumstances not commit the sin. I will endeavour for your enlightenment in the hope that the knowledge will allow you to more patiently tolerate that which is sin to you and is but a cloud of darkness to thy own unenlightened friend. We have talked in the past of spherial progression, we talk tonight upon the spheres of sin and the cause of sin.

That which I speak for your enlightenment must be thoroughly understood ere ye adjudge thine own deeds for to adjudge thine own sin is but to retard thine own progress. The omissions of compliance that have been neglected in the past through our lack of determination is akin to that which I desire as an example of those who are too eager too ready to adjudge their own sins, using their summary of that as an excuse for non-compliance. So be it with sin as in the spheres of progression. We will term a sphere, a class where we develop our knowledge, where we have grown from the infant spheres of darkness to the classes of better understanding. It has been spoken that material is akin to the garden and the flowers of progression these flowers which ye are as material are matured through the ages of correction but have advanced in spherial knowledge in accordance to the Power of thine own acceptance, the will the desire. Then forget ye not the will the desire, to comply with the desire of God. As ye develop be it materially or spiritually ye add to your knowledge and knowledge adds to your beauty and thus forms the flower of correction, as weeds living in the slime and darkness, the unenlightened spheres surrounded by that which is akin to thyself, cannot waken thee if ye allow thy determination to comply and appease thy God to slumber through the weakness of thine own desires. As in the material gardens, it is on the material soil, seeds innumerable in various stages of development and many kinds, there are seeds of bitterness producing the bitter fruits that are desired by God to meet the kindred spheres of acceptance. There are flowers of sweetness an extreme example of the many and various stages through which we pass, through the fields from whence we gather the fruits of enlightenment and knowledge. From these words we gather that whilst we slumber in the darkness, our faculties have failed to gather the necessary influence of progression. Thus we recognise the advisability to build our determination and our will to please our God spiritually and materially. Sin is an influence it is the sun which shines upon your development, development is your recognition of the dangers of sin, and at the moment we recognise the guiding influence that brings to us the incentive to sin or to progress, 'tis a garden that is free from weeds, clean and pure which develops the beauties of the seeds therein. We advance by realisation we gather the spiritual influences in accordance with our own energetic determination to lift our faith from the retarding slime of the darkness, for a weed unnourished neglected impure canst not support the best of fruit thus the necessity for our desire to advance to progress, to receive the knowledge that will lift the burden of slime from our slumbering feet. 'Tis true ye may slumber long in the darkness of your desire, and ye may hasten forward with your desire and determination to meet thy God. It is true spiritually ye may remain for time beyond thy realisation suffering the pangs of doubt and uncertainty imbedded in the garden of weeds of darkness slumbering materially and slumbering spiritually; until in moments whence the pain of realisation awakens thy slumbering thoughts, desires or ambitions to recognise the necessity of compliance and with this knowledge ye arise and march forward call it what ye may, the resurrection of the body if ye will for if it be not the present assembly called self it will be an influence tempting or enlightening that controlleth a kindred flesh. Resurrection of the spirit is the advancement of thy soul. In spherial solidity it is true though in thy material solidity unrecognised ye progress or slumber ye that sin in thy knowledge of sin feeds but upon the fruits of the temptations of sin. 'Tis as I have spoken sometimes a fruit unrecognised by those who dwell in the sphere of darkness, but to partake of that which to your sphere of knowledge and enlightenment that is recognised as sin is unmentionable in the eyes of God, for our God desires to know of the progression of thy advancement towards the sphere that awaits to welcome ye, a sphere that awaits to protect the children who desire the protection of God our heavenly father whose soul is outstretched to receive you and whose eyes are more accustomed to see ye as children with a desire to slumber, but recognises that a child, as in a material child needs the slumber of realisation, ere the faculties are developed and awakened with the knowledge and beauties of progression. Pity the brother who sins in the darkness of misunderstanding, and realise that he but casts his spirit and soul into the darkness until his desires are the desires of progression.

Many versions, thou and thine will be gathered and built from the words I have spoken, heed the warning voice,

"The key to progression, Adjudge not thine own sins, 'tis better to recognise sin, for that which is recognised with determination and desire, we can cast aside the temptations of yesterday". 'Tis wisdom to recognise the advisability at some future moment to ask the advice of thine own Spiritual Advisor as to that which to thee may or may not be the sin of thine acceptance or the sin of thy spiritual desire. For those whom have not had the privilege of the words that have brought enlightenment to many, I will portray in a material sense of understanding that which is recognised by those who have developed spherially in accordance to the tuition of their own Spiritual Advisors. For those who understandeth not, a material is you. In the beginning you were as an assembly, a similar flower, but not the same personal flower, thy faculties materially may have had no desire for enlightenment but a desire to rest offering no resistance to the kindred spirits of darkness that should have awakened ye to point the way to the light of God, but who liken unto yourself lacked the determination to do so. Thus the flower slumbered on in the darkness of non-advancement lacking the energy to arise and march towards the warmth that did awaken thee in thy desire to live as was thy desire.

To cleanse our material self one must search for the light and knowledge how this shall be accomplished and whence that desire is thy desire God will not forget to moisten thy lips with the fruits of thy desire but it must be thy desire. So we must first learn to develop our material faculties which is the soil that wilt develop our spiritual self and by doing so we are privileged to receive the enlightenment of the fruits of God for our advancement. God is the Power there is but one God and it is thy duty to cleanse thy Soul which is the source of thy inspiration which creates the advancement of our body and the spirit.