Material Desire for the Saving of Self

The Book of Enlightenment - A guide to a better life

Saturday 1st October 1938

Prayer as a desire for the protection of self a prayer for peace not having complete faith in God to fight the fight of evolution but desiring God's protection always without making an effort to appease thy God and not endeavouring to strengthen our compliance and our desires to rise above the slime. Do not be disturbed by the material breezes or tongues not rely on material for protection. God protects those who have faith in Him and work for his cause and not for material greed and desire.

In singing "Abide with me" change it to "Abide with Them". Let your petals be strong let them shine as the flowers of the Garden of God's Will.

The following is written from memory after a message from Power as instructed.

The Crisis is only started a seed planted in the beginning in accordance with God's desire.

One lot of people are praying "Oh Lord protect me and my children", the other lot are praying in relief of the burden they have cast aside the burden of protection of their brothers and sisters. Both recognising only self and the protection of self.

The prayer for peace is a prayer of self of selfish desires. Self is greed and greed is one of the lowest of contaminated sins.

Thou cannot destroy that which is, be that what it may, it returns to the soil enriching the soil that which is now is the evolution of that which was. The weeds that wither and die enrich the soil for that which is desired by God.

Soon the harvest will come and the good shall be gathered up and that which is not wanted will be returned to the soil to grow the flowers of beauty for tomorrow.

Do not hide in the garden of false security for the branches of protection are weak and the spark of jealousy will create the separation of correction.

God will protect the faithful and strong fear not soon will come the awakening of Christ to those attuned to hear that Power of God.

You are the flowers of Purpose that purpose is to wait for the beginning of that which is God's Will for God's Will will be done.

Remember what is thy gain of material greed today is your destruction tomorrow. The crisis has just begun he that is full of greed destroyeth himself. The Lord protects his children pray for others and their protection.

A prayer for Peace is a prayer of greed you cannot destroy what is to be God's Will be done. A lot has been spoken about greed and false peace and God's Will be done.

The price of peace at the expense of thy brother's sorrow leads to destruction what has to be will be as it is the Will of God.

Some influences are akin to material and leadeth into darkness. Such influences are wrong thinking of self and selfish desires and greed.