School of Enlightenment

The Book of Enlightenment - A guide to a better life

Wednesday 14th November 1934

At the command of the Supreme Power I again address thee my friends. Much thou dost not understand. For thy enlightenment I will endeavour to explain more clearly so that you may more fully understand thus enabling thee to quote with better understanding and knowledge. Thou liveth in a troubled world and around thee are many things thou dost not understand.

First the little child whose life and pleasure you see before you snatched from the care of its material guardians.

Youth full of hope for the material joys that they seem should be theirs snatched from the material plane at the height of their expectations. Thou who in thy mind have done all that thou canst in the world of men and believed in God, taken from the pleasures of the earthly existence.

Thou shalt be and again I remind ye my friends, thou are but weeds on an experimental plane, governed and tended by Powers under the direction of God the Supreme Power.

Your spiritual predominating Powers or gardeners gather an occasional beautiful growth or flower that has risen from the bed of weeds, giving exceptional power to this beautiful flower who from time to time have used the power so granted.

From this material life I will take thee on a journey, as an example I take an individual, thou by the Powers have been chosen for a material existence on your material plane.

Thou hast been granted a material form and a brain to govern that form. Thou hast been allowed to wander amongst the weeds of life.

Thou hast worked with understanding in unison with the vibrations of the Power that created thee but thy growth, thy brain, thy material self is no longer the beautiful, strong, healthy material flower having accomplished and bloomed in unison and pride with the spiritual gardeners.

Thy knowledge and power that small atom of power that you now possesses is now required for greater work for the enlightenment of the weeds that will follow in thy material steps.

Thy head, thy material body, exhausted and weakened with thy earthly pleasures with thy spiritual understanding are requested to lay down thy weary head and rest.

The passing in the midst of thy pain and weariness thy personal spiritual advisors, bring unto thee loving soothing comfort. Ye close thine eyes, unto them is brought a light strange to thy material understanding, but bringing unto thee a feeling of contentment, happiness and rest as the feeling that thou in thy mother's arms received for thou art in the loving arms of Power pertaining to the Supreme Power.

If thy existence was in unison with the requirements of the Supreme Power then the journey through thy material planes will be short and wonderful.

Then once again thou shalt be taken into the arms, the loving arms, the tender care, more predominant, more satisfying than thy mother for then thou wilt understand that thou were but a child that had been allowed to tread on the dangerous streets of the material world. When I say streets, I mean not the noisy streets of today, but the material planes returning at the call of the Supreme Power anxious as a child to receive the love, the care, the joys of real love.

Friends of the material sphere picture thyself as a child lost in the rain, snow, darkness, how willingly, how anxiously for a word from thy material friends to guide thee out of the rain and snow are they welcome? So thou shalt welcome the light of thy surrounding friends.

Thou hast passed through the spiritual planes of knowledge in which thou hast seen and be given the Power to see the error of thy ways and the ways of mankind.

Call this thy school of enlightenment.

Thou hast now passed to a Higher Plane in which thou shalt become a teacher and teach from the knowledge and experience of thine own and thy friends. This will combine thy power spreading forth each individual with the combined knowledge taught by your own personal experiences and the experiences of those in that sphere.

Thou hast now a better understanding of Power, Supreme Power. Thy existence has a unit of Power bringing unto thee the true feelings of love, warmth, life and comfort, pleasure beyond thy expectations. Thou hast work still to do my friends, pleasant work for thou art now a gardener of the material weeds, working with a better understanding and love of the requirements of your Almighty Supreme Power God.