The Sphere of Acceptance

The Book of Enlightenment - A guide to a better life

Sunday 5th April 1936

Let thy acceptance bring to ye the desire to multiply the success of thy endeavours pause ye not to gaze upon the wonders of the Past for thou art but children in the reception of the controlling Powers at thy disposal 'tis for ye my material friends to prepare to understand those forces of God. Thou dost comply if very ably very receptively to the undesirable forces that control the activities of the material sphere and the lower spiritual spheres very receptive to the retarding influences of those in darkness in spheres spiritual and material akin to thine own desire a majority overruling the minority. It is easy to be led and governed by the multitude by the masses by the contaminated influences akin to thine own acceptance.

Disciples of Progression thy standards thy achievements must brazen forth as a clarion bringing truth and confirmation of the voice of God and the Power of God to those in darkness and doubt. Thou must realise that the strength of Power can only be fulfilled when reinforced by thine own desires and thine own strength. Determination in the face of opposition thy progression, a desire to penetrate far beyond the realisation of the acceptance of Power beyond the conception of material and spiritual kind.

Strength Force Desire casting aside the rocks of obstruction as feathers in the breezes of storms let thy material determination penetrate the souls of the retarding influences casting aside the acceptance of opposition with the desire to work only in harmony with thy God's and thy God's desires. A material subject thou may be possessing a soul of strength and knowledge a Power in a school of learning.

The agony that is darkness to the progressive endeavours to bring to the masses spiritual and material the desire to work in compliance with the evolution and betterment of material and spiritual kind.

The Power of God as the light of the sun brings warmth and the promise of hope like the dawn of the day to thy material sphere those who shiver in darkness of doubt step forth bravely into the light. Let the light of the new-born day cleanse thy darkened soul err the clouds of obstruction drench thy ambitions. The Power the strength the determination the acceptance shall bring to ye the desire for further progress until thy wearying steps have borne thee faithfully to the garden of material and spiritual understanding.

The Forces of God are not brought unto ye as a task but are offered unto ye as a desire and as thou receive and accept an offering an offering brought unto ye for ye to accept or reject.

Thou hast far to travel and will need much nourishment to enable ye to survive the temptations of the darkened spheres. Thy desires are thy food thy sustenance, faith trust and compliance in the face of darkness and opposition.

Remember that God the most powerful Force accepteth soldiers of faith tried and trusted err ye are permitted to enter the garden of determination 'tis for ye through thy faith by thy trust and thy determination to rise to the acceptance of the Power of God.

Ye who are about to face a troubled sphere a sphere governed by darkness and misunderstanding must rise quickly to enable thee to gather the guiding and controlling influences that it will be necessary for you to understand in the work thou hast undertaken in compliance with the desire of the Council of Power a work that thou hast been chosen to perform.

In the face of overwhelming forces of darkness thou wilt surely need thy determination and thy strength but thou dost recognise that thy cause is the cause of truth. Truth opposing doubt truth reinforced with thine own personal contacts with the Council of Power and thy contacts with thy Spiritual Advisor Casyula.

Let us for the moment desire to accept our material self as a shell and flesh a mere medium controlled by a personal force just a fertile source of multiplication governed and controlled by what is recognised in a material sense a soul a spiritual soul in reality a force a power accepting or rejecting the Influence of God. A mere shell why a shell why the soil that produces the flower of the garden wherein is planted the seeds, fertile to blossom forth in splendour or disgrace in accordance with the nourishment ye are permitted to receive. Thy shell my friends may decay whither and die liken unto the flowers of the garden but thy Force of acceptance withers not.

Progression and enlightenment of material kind material pleasures have yet to come desire then to live in compliance with the desires of thy God and thy God can only be as thou would have him be his strength and power is thine own determination to receive and to apply and to multiply the forces of strength received, always utilising that force and Power to the development and enlightenment not only of material but spiritual kind for thus by doing so thou art producing a flower of perfection in the evolution of material advancement.

So endeth the lesson of instruction and enlightenment. Many queries shall arise in accordance with thy acceptance.

In the Book thou hast written therein thou shalt find the answers, the Book of Truth brought to you by the Council of the Supreme Power the Council working in harmony with the desires of God a beautiful uplifting Force endeavouring to bring light truth and comfort to those in darkness.