The Awakening

The Book of Enlightenment - A guide to a better life

Saturday 18th September 1937

The awakening, the dawn of a new light whence cometh the realisation after thy sleep be it in the material or the spiritual the day of Judgement must come with the awakening and the realisation. Why dost thou dream? Because thou art material and possess faculties that are controlled and unevenly balanced by material and spiritual. Soon thy dreams must end, thine eyes be opened to the reality of spiritual facts thou dwelt in the land of slumber undisturbed by the retarding influences of materialism hence thy dreams shalt cease for it is only in the unstable balances of the mind that rests between reality and doubt whence thy faculties are broken hence thy dreams.

With the awakening comes the knowledge the realisation of thy omissions thy sins thy resurrection whence thou no longer sleep in the darkness of misunderstanding why permit thyself to slumber now? Dost thou not realise thy wasted moments in the school of compliance where thou art by the Will of God asked to comply perhaps in a language that as yet thou hast not learned to understand.

Thy unbalanced brain brings to ye thy dreams hence brings to ye also the retarding influences of materialisation whose voice according to thine own acceptance thine unaccustomed ears oft as in a dream the voice dost falsely speak. It is not the voice alone my friends but thy inability to understand. Ye who live in the presence of the Power of God soon become accustomed to the vibrations of better understanding of realisation that God is the controlling influence of all be ye material or spiritual.

In the eyes of God thou art but a soul as already ye have realised that thy flesh is of many but thy soul is but one.

Let not thy soul be imprisoned in the darkness of thy spiritual or material desires for ye realise the possibility of thy acceptance of the influences of lower forces it is as ever as ye desire.

Lord our God most merciful to ye we pray that we may be permitted to advance to the sphere of thy acceptance as material and spiritual my soul is in thy keeping 'tis thine as ever. Lend ye oh Lord thy forces of strength towards the battle of opposition for thy foe shall be mine until conquered in thy Cause. I am thine to command unfitted for the honour of the influences for which I pray.