The Warning

The Book of Enlightenment - A guide to a better life

Saturday 7th August 1937

Strange and many are the ways of God in the test of the strength of thy endurance to cast aside thy material desires for thy Spiritual Progression.

Ye who in the past whence thou were wont to feel the sting of burning pain did not the Powers ease thy burdens. Many times ye were wont to cry and pray to be relieved of material transgressions thy wealth and thy health. Thy Father in Heaven has attended at all time the cry of His children. Those that are worthy have received the Power of Powers within the sphere of the strength of their acceptance. Let ye then strengthen thy faith in the Powers of Greatness, cast aside thy materialism and learn to give as thou in the past have received.

It has been spoken the word of God has never been broken. To ye who believeth in the Power of the Forces of Almighty God shall not perish but live an everlasting life, good times and hard times believing in Him who granted the concessions of all kinds.

Ye who live alone deceiveth not those in Heaven ye liveth not for thy self and thy self alone. Ye who have brothers material subjects aspiring to rise to the spheres beyond the average material conception need no cloak no other guise but Truth and strength in the face of opposition in the face of materialism allowing nothing to shatter the foundation that builds the strength of thy acceptance of the Power of God the strength that in the past have received. But hast thou given in return moments so precious but so little.

Prove thy faith thy strength and thy material world will lay at thy feet but should thy footsteps weaken in the Test of thy Faith thou wilt travel alone in the darkness of the spheres of thine own acceptance.

A lesson in the Powers of thine own greatness is a worthy lesson to many, a lesson of thy acceptance of thy spiritual faith can be shattered by the Will of God when thou art minded to accept and expect that all things shall come to him that worship.

Who hast carried thy burden day by day year by year? Have we not leaned too heavily upon the shoulders of a willing servant?

Thy strength it has been spoken is the strength of the Powers that guide thee for the Faith that which thou wilt receive can be bought only with the Strength and Power of thy Faith. Faith and Trust without the hope of reward. Materially or Spiritually.

It is not thy Material Self that thou hast been called upon to protect, it is thy brother that dwelleth in the darkness who desires thy strength and protection. Art thou weary time will tell.

The Miracle of the Fishes that in the past did feedeth those that believeth in Him can be brought home with the Strength and Power of thine acceptance.