The Unenlightened Material Mind

The Book of Enlightenment - A guide to a better life

Tuesday 30th November 1937

The unenlightened material mind realises and recognises but self. The right to live and enjoy. Ye who are privileged to enjoy dost thou not realise the truth of the meaning of that which ye desire. Ye are desired to pause and cast thine unenlightened mind that in the past contributed that which thou did recognise as joy a possession something coveted. Thou art like a child who desires that which it cannot possess a child that desires a flame until the unenlightened fingers are burnt. With the pain comes realisation the attractive flicker is not all that those in material darkness desires to think. Can ye not see the wisdom free from toil and strife a joy in lifting thy neighbour to thy table of plenty. Can ye not realise there is more joy in giving than receiving. It brings ye naught but agony to possess more than ye can consume the very stench of that which ye have hoarded is like the fruit unconsumed. Canst thou not harmonise with thy brother can ye not assist those who are in darkness.

Can ye not bring warmth and love to share that which is thy privilege to receive.

Spiritual go into the darkness and inspire and assist those in darkness bringing strength and harmony to the material world annulling the desire for possession making life in the material as in the spiritual making the material realise that we live for God.