
The Book of Enlightenment - A guide to a better life

Sunday 10th March 1935

Dawn, ye that passeth from the darkness of the night, shall venture forth with the brightness of the dawn of day, in enlightenment, knowledge. Power shall be delivered unto thee, who sincerely desire to receive, cast ye aside the cloths of darkness, regale thyselves in robes of enlightenment, wisdom shall come unto thee. Powers that surround thee shall guard and protect thee. Go ye forth with confidence of the knowledge of truth, adjusting thy steps in compliance with the guidance of those that desire to lead thee. Sow thy seeds of wisdom with caution and thought, sow as thou desire to reap, the fruits of thy labours shall be of thy own sowing, strength, Power, determination, compliance, acceptance, obedience shall guide your faltering footsteps over the sands of material life. Let thy material journey bring unto thee the knowledge and wisdom thou shall impart with truth and confidence. The material surroundings whose eyes ever watch thy progression. Ye my material scribes are chosen and entrusted to carry forth the message of truth and enlightenment. The truth unto which many of thy material surroundings shall learn to cling with confidence, who will find security in the darkest hour of thy material storms, truth enlightenment, knowledge, Power, to thee the rock of strength and foundation, to withstand the wind, the lightening, the rain, of thy material plane.

The knowledge will bring thy steps to the path of enlightenment and progression.

Thou hast this day listened to, with sincere attention to the words that has been brought unto thee, through the voice of thy medium under the controlling power of thy Spiritual Advisors, words that were brought to thee and words of wisdom and truth, those words will bring unto thee the Power and the strength and protection, guiding thy footsteps surely towards the path of enlightenment.

Thou art well advised to listen and comply to the wisdom of thy Spiritual Advisors.