
The Book of Enlightenment - A guide to a better life

Wednesday 16th January 1935

Come ye my material friends while ye linger and rest prior to thy journey of enlightenment, cast thine eyes upon the bosom of the stream that floweth by thy feet, the material stream of life, drifting idly, willingly, submissively, heeding not caring, not just idly drifting, lulled to sleep by the rippling motion of the warm bosom of the stream of material life.

Note the beautiful blossom's petals once the pride and care of a gardener, a spiritual gardener, fanned by yesterday's storm, carried by the breeze to be cast on the water thus leading to light or destruction.

Walk with me along the banks of this wondrous stream, survey the birth of youth, each flower a blossom of love, each flower shall received the same attention, some will accept, some will reject the protection and advice that shall be equally distributed to every one of you. Those accepting will receive the protection from the shattering wind, those rejecting shall be blasted by the shattering wind, the breezes and thus carried to the stream of material life. Aye how unresistingly they drift ever drifting, contented, comforted by the false warmth of the water that carries them so pleasantly along. To whence do they drift. Look ye well, note ye on the right bank this river, the river of material life divides, and now forms two separate streams. One is very small the other broad and large. Note ye the vast number of petals and blossoms that take the broad easy way, others struggling towards the narrow entrance of the smaller stream.

Follow with me and let us see where goeth the masses there floating joyously, merrily, contentedly, no worry, no care, blossoms and petals all from the wondrous garden of our Supreme Power God.

Look ye now the waters become troubled. We go drifting faster and faster onward increasing our speed ever onward to what? To where? It is well to know at least comforting to know that we are accompanied by the majority of the masses. Still our speed quickens but we find it warm and pleasant.

Now look ye we have arrived at the end of the journey. We go drifting, drifting round and round in the whirlpool of material life.

Aye we must rest the pace seems to slacken but by bit we drift towards the still waters in the bay, so inviting. Yes we must rest. Where are we?

Let us cast our eyes around. Blossoms, flowers, petals decay. Aye ye find the waters are no longer pleasant and inviting, but have become hot, stagnant, overbearing, with the dying stagnation of the blossoms around. Ye are still fresh from the bosom of the garden of light, but note how crowded unable to move, withering in the heat of the unmerciful sun surrounded by water too putrid to drink, water no longer refreshing.

Note ye how quickly they decay to be drowned by the germs created by the brethren that have come the journey before them. Torn to shreds by the battle of seething corrupting filth, germs of material and spiritual powers that surround them, withering in agony and torture to sink in despair in the darkness of slime, there to be germinated into life, but what life? Some may rise ever struggling, climbing through the weeds to the surface and light again to become the seeds of God, the seeds of knowledge, knowledge obtained through the terrible journey.

Now leave ye behind for a while this material pool of misery, misunderstanding and false security. Let us retrace our steps. We return along the banks of the Garden of God the Almighty God. Let us return again to the dividing of the ways. Note ye how narrow and apparently uninviting seems to be this narrow stream. Note the lack of sunshine, feel how cold and uninviting. Can ye wonder that so few desire to struggle when it is so easy to drift. But know ye the darkness that is cast upon the cold clear waters of this beautiful refreshing rippling dancing stream is but the clouds of material stench that has risen from the stagnant pool that ye have just left.

Drift ye not, brave the waters cold and cloudy, fight, struggle onwards, ever onwards, not so easy as drifting but fight, have faith, trust and be obedient to the desire of God thy God's intention.

Thy material life is but short, thy struggle will be but short, but thou knowest that the stream ye take is the stream that thou has been instructed to take by your Spiritual Advisors.

Faith, trust, obedience, desire, we struggle on.

Be strong ere ye burst forth into the light we see the light, we feel the warmth, the waters are sweet and refreshing. We drift towards a pleasant shore. There we are received, lifted carefully from the stream still flowers of beauty, still fresh retaining the perfume of our spiritual flower. How carefully tenderly each blossom is laid upon that beautiful shore, each petal carefully tended, dried in the sunshine of love, life and truth.

Receiving care and advice and attention the blossoms lead to the garden of the Council of the Supreme Power, there to receive the joys of our spiritual existence, to return again to the material life in your Spiritual garb, to help, to assist, to advise the masses that so foolishly drift, to advise them to struggle and receive the same loving care and reception that we bestowed upon thee.