The Fruits of Knowledge

The Book of Enlightenment - A guide to a better life

Saturday 19th October 1935

The natural resources of material kind the Power to understand to reason to think. Do ye understand? Ye who would vainly applaud thine own receptive ability dost labour under a misapprehension ye whose vanity leads him to desire to think that he alone is responsible for his material advancements do not understand. Let ye then realise that thine own material achievements is but the result of thy receptive abilities enabling thee to receive the prompting influences ever at thy disposal for thy material progression. It is desirable that we all shall understand the material resources predominating governing material activity. Let ye realise the Power of Force the prompting Power that will enable ye and I to understand and receive the wisdom of knowledge impossible to be accumulated in the Material or Spiritual receptive force of one material or spiritual sphere.

Knowledge is but a budding seed knowledge accumulated reinforced by the knowledge of generations material and spiritual must grow in accordance with the accumulation that is gathered in the passing of time.

Thy knowledge and my knowledge the knowledge combined is wisdom indeed. Wisdom is Power. Ye whose receptive forces have never permitted ye to gather freely the fruits of knowledge realise the inactivity the lack of desire is thine own retarding force. Ye who oftimes are wont to quote "The Lord helps those who help themselves". Dost thou desire to linger in idleness unwilling to stretch forth thine arms so that thine hands may grasp the fruit that would releive thy withered and parched lips. Would ye suffer the agonies of thirst wouldst thou not endeavour to reach the pool of pure clear water or must the pool come to thee.

Thou knowesth the pool cannot come to thee so thou goeth to the pool. Know ye then that God and the forces of God whose knowledge and Power is as the waters and the fruit ever at thy disposal.

Thou must if thou desire reach forth thy hand and grasp that which thou dost desire.

There are many without the energy without the inclination whose tongue is parched with thirst desire only to live in idleness until the rain commeth and drop by drop relieves the thirst upon the projecting tongue of idleness, surrounded by the false comforts desire not and have not the energy or inclination to help themselves. Cast aside thy false bed of insecurity to journey forth to drink the splendid waters of knowledge wisdom and life.

There are those quite numerous who will say no thought of wisdom no force of Power is at my disposal so I cannot hear I cannot see I cannot feel. Ye desire to slumber whose eyes in slumber remain closed whose faculties to hear lie dormant whose power to feel is stagnant it is sleep thou desire just a desire for rest material and spiritual rest.

Let thy desires aspire for higher Powers. Seek ye the star of Knowledge of Power of thought the star of natural resources of Material and Spiritual activity. Let thy ambitious and thy material and Spiritual desires be such that will ye with force and energy to aspire for Progression Material and Spiritual activity understanding the forces predominating over all Material and Spiritual activity.